Larry returns to the country twelve years after the disappearance of his father, a mobster who was close to Pablo Escobar in the 1990s. His remains have finally been found in a mass grave, and Larry is returning to reclaim them and give them a proper funeral. He is picked up at the airport by Pedro, his childhood friend, who takes him directly to the Alborada celebration, a popular festival at which the whole city loses control while fireworks burn all night. Larry's encounter with his mother, a former beauty queen who went from having it all to having nothing, and who is now sinking in depression and drug addiction; the memories of a turbulent family history; and the rediscovery of a city in which you can still see remnants of Colombia's darkest times are some of the threads interwoven in this novel. The author, with the narrative skill he is known for, manages to portray a generation of drug lords' children, who end up being victims of their own parents.